Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

revisi SAP dan SILABI SIM 2011

Kode Matakuliah :751306
Nama Matakuliah : Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Jumlah Kredit : 3 SKS
Semester : IV(Empat)
Jenis Matakuliah : Mata Kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)

A. Deskripsi Matakuliah
Memberikan bekal kepada mahasiswa untuk memahami konsep sistem informasi manajemen sehingga mahasiswa
diharapkan mampu melakukan analisis tentang sistem informasi manajemen yang mendukung rencana dan strategi perusahaan.

Week/ Material Literature
1/ 1. Overview of subject
1&2 2. Agreement of Lecturing process
2/1 1. Overview about paradigm shift in MIS
2. Issues in the digital and organization economy digital organization, as well as its impact to the business
3/1 Creating Competitive advantages by ICT (Information communication technology)
Additional assignment: "searching a digital organization and analysing impact its to the competitive advantage"
(minimal 5-7 pages)
4/2 The Fundamentals of MIS : the role manager in the organization, system definition, system hierachy, data consept,
information consept, information systems consept, ICT and network consept
5/2 Database management system (DBMS) : basis of data consept, types of file, database model, requirement database and
implementing database management system in the business context.
6/2 The consept and model of e-commerce, key success factors of e-commerce, creating e-commerce system that integrated
Additional assignment: "summary of fundamentals of MIS and DBMS as well as determining of key success factors in the
one of business organization that implementing e-commerce system" (minimal 5-7 pages)
7/1 The aligment process between business strategic, information system strategic and ICT strategic
8 Middle Test
9/1 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Additional assignment :" BPR of traditional organization to digital organization" (minimal 5-7 pages)
10/1 Information Communication Technology Strategic Planning (ICTSP)
11/1 Information Communication Technology Strategic Planning (ICTSP) continue...
12/2 Managing hardware, software, network & telecommunication assets
13/2 Managing a digital organization
14/2 Management information system evaluation : Cost and Benefit analysis methodology
Additional assignment :"training ICTSP in one of organization" (minimal 5-7 pages)
15/2 Ethical and legal of implemention of MIS as well as its impact to the social problem
16 Final Test

1.  Abdul Manaf B., Nur Haryani Z., Norliza Katuk & Zahurin Mat Aji. 2006. Sistem Maklumat Dalam Organisasi Kontemporer. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Prentice Hall.
2.  Bentley, Trevor. 1998. Managing Information. London: CIMA.
3.  Boar, Bernard, H. 2001. The art of strategic planning for information technology. Ed. ke-2. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
4.  Brown, C.V., DeHayes D.W., Hoffer J.A, Martin E.W & Perkins W.C. 2009. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
5.  Clarket S., Coakes E., Hunter M.G & Wenn A. 2003. Socio-Technical and Human Cognition Elements of Information System. London: Information Science Publishing
6.  Indrajit, Eko Richardus; 2004, Kajian Strategis Cost Benefit Teknologi Informasi; Panduan Investasi Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi di Perusahaan, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
7.  Jogiyanto, H.M. 2005. Sistem informasi strategik. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
8. Laudon, Kenneth C., Jane P. Laudon. 2007. Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm. Tenth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall
9.  Mc Leod, Jr.; 2008, Sistem Informasi Manajemen; Edisi 10;Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
10.    O’Brien, James .;2005, Kerangka Dasar Sistem Informasi Manajemen; Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
11.  Pearlson & Saunders. 2009. Strategic Management Information System. Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Ltd.
12.  Raja Malik, Mohamed. 2003a. Practical approach to ICT strategic planning. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN).
13.  Raja Malik, Mohamed. 2003b. Challenges in managing Information & Communications Technology: A CIO Guide. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN).
14.  Slamet. 2009. Kerangka Kerja Perancangan Teknologi Maklumat Berparadigma Islam. Thesis Doktor Falsafah. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
15.  Supriyanto, Aji;2005, Pengantar Teknologi Informasi; Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
16.  Turban, Efraim., Leidner, Dorothy., McLean, Ephraim., & Wetherbe, James. 2008. Information Technology for Management
(Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy. Ed.6. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
17.  Ward, John & Peppard, Joe. 2002. Strategic planning for information systems. Ed. ke-3. England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
a.n. Dekan
Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik

Dr. H. Jamal Lulail Yunus, SE., MM
NIP: 197000707 200003 1 001

SAP dan SILABI sim 2011

Kode Matakuliah : 0751306
Nama Matakuliah : Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Jumlah Kredit : 3 SKS
Semester : IV(Empat)
Jenis Matakuliah : Mata Kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)

A. Deskripsi Matakuliah
Memberikan bekal kepada mahasiswa untuk memahami konsep sistem informasi manajemen sehingga mahasiswa
diharapkan mampu melakukan analisis tentang sistem informasi manajemen yang mendukung rencana dan strategi perusahaan.

Week Material Literature
1 1. Overview of subject
1&2 2. Agreement of Lecturing process
2 1. Overview about paradigm shift in MIS
1 2. Issues in the digital and organization economy digital organization, as well as its impact to the business
3 Creating Competitive advantages by ICT (Information communication technology)
1 Additional assignment: "searching a digital organization and analysing impact its to the competitive advantage"
(minimal 5-7 pages)
4 The Fundamentals of MIS : the role manager in the organization, system definition, system hierachy, data consept,
2 information consept, information systems consept, ICT and network consept
5 Database management system (DBMS) : basis of data consept, types of file, database model, requirement database and
2 implementing database management system in the business context.
6 The consept and model of e-commerce, key success factors of e-commerce, creating e-commerce system that integrated
2 Additional assignment: "summary of fundamentals of MIS and DBMS as well as determining of key success factors in the
one of business organization that implementing e-commerce system" (minimal 5-7 pages)
7/1 The aligment process between business strategic, information system strategic and ICT strategic
8 Middle Test
9/1 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Additional assignment :" BPR of traditional organization to digital organization" (minimal 5-7 pages)
10/1 Information Communication Technology Strategic Planning (ICTSP)
11/1 Information Communication Technology Strategic Planning (ICTSP) continue...
12/2 Managing hardware, software, network & telecommunication assets
13/2 Managing a digital organization
14/2 Management information system evaluation : Cost and Benefit analysis methodology
Additional assignment :"training ICTSP in one of organization" (minimal 5-7 pages)
15/2 Ethical and legal of implemention of MIS as well as its impact to the social problem
16 Final Test

1.  Abdul Manaf B., Nur Haryani Z., Norliza Katuk & Zahurin Mat Aji. 2006. Sistem Maklumat Dalam Organisasi Kontemporer. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Prentice Hall.
2.  Bentley, Trevor. 1998. Managing Information. London: CIMA.
3.  Boar, Bernard, H. 2001. The art of strategic planning for information technology. Ed. ke-2. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
4.  Brown, C.V., DeHayes D.W., Hoffer J.A, Martin E.W & Perkins W.C. 2009. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
5.  Clarket S., Coakes E., Hunter M.G & Wenn A. 2003. Socio-Technical and Human Cognition Elements of Information System. London: Information Science Publishing
6.  Indrajit, Eko Richardus; 2004, Kajian Strategis Cost Benefit Teknologi Informasi; Panduan Investasi Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi di Perusahaan, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
7.  Jogiyanto, H.M. 2005. Sistem informasi strategik. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
8. Laudon, Kenneth C., Jane P. Laudon. 2007. Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm. Tenth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall
9.  Mc Leod, Jr.; 2008, Sistem Informasi Manajemen; Edisi 10;Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
10.    O’Brien, James .;2005, Kerangka Dasar Sistem Informasi Manajemen; Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
11.  Pearlson & Saunders. 2009. Strategic Management Information System. Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Ltd.
12.  Raja Malik, Mohamed. 2003a. Practical approach to ICT strategic planning. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN).
13.  Raja Malik, Mohamed. 2003b. Challenges in managing Information & Communications Technology: A CIO Guide. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN).
14.  Slamet. 2009. Kerangka Kerja Perancangan Teknologi Maklumat Berparadigma Islam. Thesis Doktor Falsafah. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
15.  Supriyanto, Aji;2005, Pengantar Teknologi Informasi; Salemba Empat; Jakarta.
16.  Turban, Efraim., Leidner, Dorothy., McLean, Ephraim., & Wetherbe, James. 2008. Information Technology for Management
(Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy. Ed.6. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
17.  Ward, John & Peppard, Joe. 2002. Strategic planning for information systems. Ed. ke-3. England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
a.n. Dekan
Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik

Dr. H. Jamal Lulail Yunus, SE., MM
NIP: 197000707 200003 1 001